Netjer Amun

Amun (the Hidden One)

Amun is the Netjer of the Sun.  He is one of the oldest deities in the Kemetic Pantheon.  Amun is a part of the Ogdoad along with Nun and Nunet, Kek and Keket, Heh and Hehet as well as his consort Amunet.  Amun was worshipped from about 2700 BCE to the end of Egyptian times.  He started out as a minor fertility deity in the Fourth nome of Upper(which is lower) Egypt which is around the area of Hermonthis.  The symbol of Amun is the ram with curved horns, he is also associated with the goose which relates to him as a fertility deity.  As a member of the Ogdoad he is represented with the head of a snake.  As his popularity increased Amun became the Netjer of choice for the A'aPerti (Pharaohs), thus he eventually became associated with the Sun and Re/Ra merging to become Amun-Ra/Re.  According to Egyptian Gods & Goddesses by Clive Barret on Pg. 39, "Originally in pre-dynastic times he was the god of the wind, and his name means `hidden' or `invisible one'.  Part of the rites of Amun involved concealing his shrine with a shroud.  Linked to this idea of invisibility is another of his titles: `he who abides in all things', confirming the belief that he was the very soul or `ba' of the universe itself."
    The City of Waset in the eleventh nome of Khemet became associated with Amun during the Middle Kingdom.  Waset is the place known as Thebes which is the city known as Luxor in Khemet today....Amun was worshipped at the Great temple of Amun in Karnak as well as the Luxor Temple south of Karnak dedicated to Amun-Ka-Mutef.

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