
    Aten also spelled Aton or Atun is always represented as simply the Sun Disk with rays ending in arms.   Atun as the Sun was worshipped from about 2,000 BCE until a little after 1362 BCE.  According to the Encyclopedia of Gods by Michael Jordan on page 31 "His influence had been growing under several pharaoh's including Amenhotep II, Tuthmosis IV, and Amenhotep III, who initiated a cult of Aten at Heliopolis.  Aten rose to ultimate supremacy for a brief period during the reign of Amenhotep IV who renamed himself AkhenAten in honor of the God.  During AkhenAten's reign from 1379 BC Aten became the supreme God of Egypt eclipsing all others".  The A'aperti Akh-un-Atun was the physical manifestation of Atun on Ta/Earth.

Amunophis IV -Akh-Un-Atun
 Akh-Un-Atun decided that Atun was the Supreme Netjer and the Only Netjer.  He eliminated the worship of the Temple of Amun and built the Temple of Atun right across from it.  The worship of Atun is considered the first form of Monotheism.  Akh-Un-Atun brought forth his ideas so radically that when he died nearly all traces of him and the Netjer Atun were removed from the walls.  Akh-Un-Atun was the husband of Nefer-Titi and the Father in law of Djehuti-Ankh-Amun(King Tut).  Akh-Un-Atun revolutionized Khemetic Art, as well as Khemetic religion.  He changed the capital of Khemet from Thebes to AkhetAten(the horizon of Aten) which is known as Tell-El-Amarna today.

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