Netjert: Bast/Bastet

Bast was a Netjert (female divine power) who was the personification of the heat of the sun (RA).  Associated with Sakhmet who was the destructive fiery burning of the sun, Bast was the milder life giving heat of RA/RE.  Bast's name has been found in connection with various Netjert.  She was identified with Raet, Temu.t the female aspects of RA and Atum respectively.  She was known as the eye of Atum and RA.  She was known as the soul of Auset in Per-Bast or Bubastis (The City of Bast).  In Bubastis of the south (Dendera), she was associated with Temu.t.  In this form of Temu.t, Bast was considered to be the mother of Ari-Hes the lord of Aphroditopolis which is located around the 21st Nome of the Knife.  Ari-Hes was the son of An who was a form of Ausar.  In Waset (Thebes) she was connected with Mwt,  In Men-Nefer(Memphis) with Mwt & Wadjet,  In Annu (Heliopolis) she was associated with Iu-sa-Aset.  In Ta-Netjer (Nubia) she was associated with Sakhmet & Manhat.

Bast was not only Netjert of the sun but of the Moon as well as Netjert of the birth chamber.  Bast's center of worship was Per-Bast or Bubastis which was the capital of Am-Khent which was the 7th nome of Lower Egypt.  Bast was worshipped all throughout ancient Khemetic history & her peak worship was during the fourth century BCE.  The festivals of Bast was celebrated in April & May.  The festivals were wild, orgiastic parties, with lots of drinking & dancing among other things.

Sources: The Gods of the Egyptians 2 vols., The Egyptian Book of the Dead by E.A. Wallis Budge, various internet articles.

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