Anuk Kheper Em Hotep...

Who am I and why did I put this page up?:  The answer is actually not that complicated.  I hope I don't offend you with my answer but if I do...Oh well too bad.  I am simply a seeker of true knowledge.  As I learn I ask questions and I find out the answers to those questions.  I put this page up as a result of my research & study of ancient nubian & khemetic history & culture.  I am a teacher as well as a student because I teach those who want to know my perspective or who just want some true information.  I am not a leader of a congregation of people thus I have No followers.  I don't pro-claim to be anything other than a seeker of truth.  I try to know as much about myself and my people as possible with out all the non-sense in between.  There are a lot of so-called prophets & masters who are supposed to be divinely inspired or whatever.  Fine, If you feel that is your path then this is good however I am not of that way of thinking.  The only divine I manifest is the Most High by whatever name you choose to use whether it's Allah, YHWH, Elohiym, Ra, Amun, ANU, etc... As I recognize the divine within me, I utilize that in my life and studies.  I must make this clear for those who can't seem to get it: I am not a nuwaubian,I am not a muslim, christian,Hebrew, etc...

I choose not to use any labels because knowledge is infinite & I utilize all information in my search for the truth.  I don't believe, I check out whether the information I receive is the truth.  If not I take whatever parts I can use & move on.  So although I may not adhere to your doctrine or religion I still live & utilize the parts that apply.  ALL religion is, is man's attempt to put the laws & ideas of the divine into a form they can recognize & follow.  But as you have human fallacy you have your fanatics within religion.

I am not out to slander, or "backstab" anyone or put down anyone's way of life.  I may speak upon it as it is my right to do, if this offends you well that's life.  I try to to keep my perceptions as correct as I can but as I am only human (striving for the divine) I will make mistakes.  I don't claim (as others do & assume) to be infallible.  With that said I leave as I entered Em Hotep, Em Ma'at

Ptah-Asir (In his form of Un-nefer)